Art of Pylons

new mills pylon
New Mills Pylon

Pylons have their own intrinsic beauty & fascination

Samuri pylon herding cows in New Mills, Derbyshire. A comic allusion that can not pass without comment haha. Something about pylons has always intrigued me, possibly because I have a life long fascination with everything electrical but also there is a curious resonance with something primordial and universal in the environment. The universe of esoteric quantum energy, electricity and atmosphere, electricity weather and cosmic radiation. Pylons, or more specifically, the power lines they carry, do interact directly with this environment of esoteric energies. Solar storms, thunder storms and strange emanations from deep space all impinge on this expansive electrical network and impose measurable effects and changes on it.

  • Taken: 11 May, 2017
  • Shutter speed: 1/125s
  • ISO: 100
  • Focal length: 20mm
pylon poynton
Angle Tower
Macclesfield pylon
Macc Pylon
night pylon
Night Tower
An electricity pylon at night with a very dark blue sky behind
Nocturnal Pylon
Black and white photo of an electricity pylon and clouds, very high contrast
Falling Dream
Electricity pylon with very dark sky and green grass
Storm Current

Two major power lines or super grid lines crossing Stanlow Flats near to Ellesmere Port. These lines are a familiar site for anyone driving along the M56 toward Liverpool and carry power from Fiddlers Ferry power station into the national grid. Super grid lines are designed to carry very high current at high voltage hence the larger number of conductors.

stanlow pylons
Stanlow Pylons

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Oliver Wood